Economic Statecraft
Items to be addressed
We should work on the following items
Understanding the Current Situation
Strategy Planning
Strategy Informatics
Items to be addressed
1 _
What kind of cutting-edge technology (sensitive technology) it out there and who own it?
2 _
Who is the de facto ruler of the company?
3 _
Safety and soundness of the supply chain
Extremely large and complex network
Example of shareholder control network
Example of shareholder control network
High-tech solutions are essential for the analysis of huge and complex networks
Economic Statecraft
In-house developed our AI
The AI analyzes the distribution channels and the degree of influence propagation in a vast and complex network, and discovers choke points and hidden intentions.
Seizu Analysis
The Intelligence Platform
that uses our AI
Seizu Analysis Solutions
Supply chain analysis
Shareholder dominance network analysis
Cutting-edge technology and key personnel Network analysis
Data used for analysis:
- Annual Securities Report
- Press Releases/News Releases
Number of companies to be analyzed:
- Approximately 300 million companies